Thursday, June 16, 2011

It Snowed! In TEXAS!

A few days ago, it actually snowed here in San Antonio. Anna had never seen snow that she could remember (we had an ice storm in Oklahoma when she was a baby), so she was absolutely enamored!

I love this expression. It looks like she's thinking, "What IS this stuff?"


Then suddenly, "OMG its SNOW!!!"


After that there was no keeping her in one spot. She just ran and ran until the snow turned back into sleet and rain, and I made her come inside.

DSC_0274 (600 x 402)

I remember that feeling as a child, falling in love with every snowfake. I remember being so sad when they melted, like friends lost until the next freeze when they would return in little white puffs raining down to greet me.

What a gift those few minutes were for her. A memory made for always.

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